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A simple framework for founders and product teams who want to build products that make sense and actually get used.


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About Matteo Grand

Hi, I’m Matteo – I help founders and product teams launch and grow great products.

This document was created by me and my team*.* If you’re looking for more strategic or design support for your product, book a call with us. We’d love to hear from you.

Email: [email protected]

Calendar: https://cal.com/matteogrand/30


Why this exists

Most products fail because of a lack of clarity.

Clarity in the problem you’re solving.

Clarity in who it’s for.

Clarity in what makes it valuable.

This guide is here to help you slow down just enough to get those answers right—before you speed back up.

Use it before your next sprint, pitch, or roadmap session.

Use it to align your team.

Use it to focus.

Because clarity compounds.

And building gets easier when everyone understands what matters.

📌 The One-Sentence Test

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Why this matters: This is the foundation of product clarity. If you can’t explain what you do in one sentence, neither can your customers.
